February in kindergarten is PACKED with fun!! We're sharing Super Bowl activities, hibernation science activities, all things bears, 100th day activities, Presidents' Day ideas, and crafts for dental health! Of course, February means all things love, pink, and glitter, too! Hello, Valentine's Day!! This holiday also brings the repetitive "Valentime" everything, which gets me every time! Simple and Sweet Sensory TubOur February sensory tub includes lids from applesauce squeeze packs! I also have some heart containers from the Dollar Tree tossed in. Using letters and letter blocks, kiddos have differentiated choices available to make CVC words, do a letter match, or build words by looking at word cards. Random Acts of Kindness WeekDoes your school celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week? We celebrate in our classroom with this Random Acts of Kindness activity from Target. Each day leading up to Valentine's Day, we pull a heart out of the bag to find out what our kindness goal is for the day. Random acts of kindness truly fill up our buckets! Hibernation ActivitiesTo get started with our February thematic learning, I introduce the concept of the Groundhog Day, we begin by learning about animals in Winter. I hook the kids with Jan Brett's The Mitten, The Hat, and my newest favorite, The Snowy Nap! I LOVE that the story ties in so many Winter activities. This is so relevant to young learners! The kids fall in love with Hedgie, so this little writing prompt and craft are so engaging as we practice recalling events from the stories. (Story sheets for all three stories are available.) We really love Hedgie! Here are our favorite Hedgie crafts! This fine motor activity is so fun!! Kids glue sequins and wiggle eyes to foam cutouts. This is perfect for glue dot practice! We also tie the concept of hibernation to an animal that's a little more familiar, bears. We read Karma Wilson's series with our friend, Bear. After reading Bear Snores On, we count popcorn with Bear; we also practice shapes with him! Of course, no theme is complete without a snack! I love that the kids get to practice fine motor skills with an engaging, edible activity, bear snacks! We can't have a bear theme without using our bear counter manipulatives, of course! Since patterning is our math skill of the week, I love that the kids differentiated their activities all on their own! Once they completed the pattern challenge, kids were invited to the carpet for some fine motor fun with building bear caves! As we learn about bears, we also touch on other animals who hibernate. ‘Hibernation Station” is the perfect book to introduce a variety of hibernating animals. We love the “Bear Snores On” craft to show other animals who hibernate like our friend, Bear. Additional favorite bear titles are below, including Bear's New Friend, Bear Feels Sick, The Very Cranky Bear, The Very Brave Bear, The Very Hungry Bear, Substitute Groundhog, and We're Going On a Bear Hunt. Hibernation Anchor Chart and Craft Activities for KindergartenKids love these little peek-a-boo hibernation crafts for science centers! more on hibernation and groundhogsOnce we have the groundwork for hibernation established, I introduce groundhogs. I love that the book Substitute Groundhog ties animal facts in with the story. On Groundhog Day, we make our own little groundhog pets! I just crumple a piece of scrap paper inside of a brown paper bag and staple it shut. The kids cut and glue pieces on it. Once they're dry, we take them outside for the big moment. We try to see if they make shadows or not. The kids have a ball with this! They take them all over the playground, checking out places where they can make shadows. Once we're back inside, they complete the fill-in activity to tell whether or not their groundhog pets saw their shadows. During morning meeting on the Friday before the Super Bowl, we talk about who is playing, and the kiddos let us know their team of choice by coloring their football and cheerleaders to go along with their choices. During writing, they write a sentence to let us know who they are cheering for as well. Then we prepare a party snack together! In math, kiddos use ten frames to place 10 Teddy Grahams and 10 gummy bears in their snack bags. During math centers, students count shapes on the football and goal post coloring sheet. For our school district, the month of February also means the 100th day of school celebration! Our activities include the following: -The kids bring 100 things in a bottle. They share their collections with the class, and then they line up the objects to compare lengths of 100 items. -We make a 100th day snack mix collection by counting by tens with Cheez-Its, Fruit Loops, M&M's, pretzels, marshmallows, chocolate chips, Teddy Grahams, popcorn, Goldfish crackers, and Chex Mix. -The kids go on a hunt for 100 labeled Hershey Kisses to add to a giant 100 chart. -They build the numeral 100 with unifix cubes. -Students work together to put 10 beads on 10 pipe cleaners. -They dot 100 gum balls with our gum ball machine craft. (Click on the photo to access the download.) 100th Day Activities for Kindergarten![]() 100th Day Math Activity with Gum Ball Machine Craft for Kindergarten
As you celebrate the 100th day of school, students create gum ball machines with this 100th day math activity for kindergarten! Students might color gum balls, use dotter paints, or paint with cotton swabs in a variety of paint colors. Note that a differentiated option is included, as some students might be ready to add 100 gum balls on their own. You might encourage using different colors for groups of ten as a counting strategy as they work. Instructions and Contents: Page 1: coloring option: tag, ball (gum balls included), 2 red pieces, 2 gray pieces Page 2: coloring option: tag, ball (gum balls not included), 2 red pieces, 2 gray pieces For this option, if not using this product for the 100th day, you may also choose to not include the tag by simply cutting it off before you copy. Page 3: ball with gum balls Page 4: ball without gum balls Page 5: red machine pieces Page 6: tag (5) Page 7: gray machine pieces (6 sets) One Hundredth Day book companions to go along with the craft pack include, but certainly are not limited to the following books: Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten The Night Before the 100th Day of School Fancy Nancy The One Hundredth Day of School 100th Day Worries Kindergarten Count to 100 Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] We read "Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten" together. Then we complete our 100th day worksheet during morning meeting to make it extra special! Meet our class mascot, Uni-Zero! She comes out to celebrate every 10th day of school, whenever a ten stick is made! She just loves the number zero! Now you understand the magic in her name! On the 100th day, we celebrate her birthday! The kids bring stuffed animals to school to help her celebrate her special day! Students made her a birthday picture and wrote about a present they would like to give to her. Aren't these little stickers the CUTEST? My co-worker found them at Dollar General and knew we'd put them to use in our classroom! Kiddos added two stickers to their pictures. So motivating! So whenever Uni-Zero makes an appearance, she brings her magic number bag with her. Inside, she has a treat shaped like a zero (M&M's, Skittles, Fruit Loops....). On this special day, she also left unicorn erasers and unicorn horns! The erasers are from Target, and the Twists are from Dollar General. Here's a super simple and FUN way to celebrate the 100th day! Groups of 4 students play together. They each get a gem and take turns rolling the die on the plate. They hop forward the number they roll. Whoever gets to 100 first is the winner! Here's even more FUN to add to our big day! There Was a Silly Unicorn Who Wanted to Fly is just perfect! We love all of the old lady books, so the kids are thrilled to see a unicorn version! How to catch a Unicorn is another PERFECT book for our day together! A banner for our door, pencil buddy party favors, and a pin the horn on the unicorn are more great adds for a super day! Valentine's Day activitiesWe learn about Valentine’s Day as we discuss symbols of the holiday. We think back to symbols of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas first. Then we make connections to things that make us think about the holiday of love. We prepare for our Valentine's Day celebration by painting heart crafts during center time. They make a colorful addition to our classroom! Of course, printing them on construction paper is always an option, too! If you’re looking for more ways to add cheer to your classroom, check out Valentine’s Day box kits, found at Walmart and Target! This little unicorn was a Target find who will be sticking around our classroom all year! This teacher goes a liiiiiiittle crazy hunting for all the pretty classroom things this time of year! I just love it all so much! That Snickers brownie just hopped right in my cart! It’s also a Valentine’s Day week necessity, in case you were wondering. I love foam cutouts! For Valentine's Day parent gifts, we also make foam hearts! Students glue their school pictures to the middle to start the activity. Our fine motor activity includes using liquid glue to add sequins and glitter! They kiddos love the end result, and the process, too! The kids really enjoy this name craft, where they write the letters of their names on envelopes to add to the mailbox craft. Students complete this name activity during literacy centers. Here's a way to bring literacy and more fine motor fun into the classroom! Using toothpicks and marshmallows, students make the word, "LOVE"! Once this task is complete, they make their own names. Later in the week, we use leftover materials to build hearts, then the rest of the shapes, during our math lesson! Here’s another craft activity we complete for a simple writing activity for students to give to someone they love. During math centers, students practice composing and decomposing with this sloth Valentine's Day craft activity! Of course, no celebration is complete without Valentine's Day hats! Students create these Valentine's Day crowns during morning work! If You'll Be My Valentine is the sweetest little book to read to prepare the students for the holiday! (Click on the photo to access the download.) After reading Love Monster, students add monsters of their own to Valentine's Day bags! ![]() Monster Craft and Valentine's Day Activity for Bags, Bulletin Board
As you implement Valentine’s Day lessons, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with this love monster craft activity! This craft fun to gift, to add to Valentine’s Day bags, or to make a bulletin board! The printable pack is perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our crafts, which feature thick lines. Three options are included to best meet the needs of your little learners! Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2, 3: Product Details Page 4: monster (option 1) Page 5: head, two leg, two arms, eye, tag (option 2) Page 6: head (option 3) Page 7: two arms, two legs (2 sets) (option 3) Page 8: two shoes, two hands, two cheeks (2 sets) (option 3) Page 9: tag, eye, tooth (2 sets) (option 3) Additional book companions that you might read to celebrate the holiday with your crafting include, but certainly are not limited to the following sweet titles: Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink Slugs in Love The Day It Rained Hearts Fancy Nancy Heart to Heart There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose Happy Valentine's Day, Mouse! If You'll Be My Valentine The Biggest Valentine Ever Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] Another option is to give the kids choices for their bag designs. They really love to make their own choices! Presidents' Day Activities for KindergartenIn February, we also celebrate President's Day! We make connections to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln with our Presidents Day anchor chart. There are plenty of ways to make these lessons exciting, so check out a few below! As you learn about presidents, use the crafts below to add some fun! We love to include more of an open-ended art activity for each theme, too, and these little George Washington paper plate crafts are just perfect for Presidents' Day! I challenge myself to develop math activities that align with our themes! This George Washington craft allows for practice with composing and decomposing during our kindergarten math centers! We have some fine motor activities to tie in with your Presidents' Day lesson, too! We explore coins and who is on the coins with a coin rubbing activity. It takes some practice to get the right amount of pressure, so it's a wonderful fine motor task for kindergarten students! Another penny activity includes a truly engaging math activity for kindergarten students! Students work in small groups to drop water onto a penny. They take turns dropping while group members record with tallies! When the penny overflows, the activity starts again! I love to see the kids get creative. For this building activity, I gave the kids popsicle sticks and projected pictures of log cabins on the board. Here are a few of the popsicle stick log cabins they created! Dental Health Activities for KindergartenWe also celebrate Dental Health month with some fun stories and anchor charts about our teeth. We brainstorm ways to keep our teeth healthy. This is the dental health anchor chart we use throughout our study of keeping our teeth healthy. As we learn about keeping teeth clean and healthy, we create germ bug crafts and add marshmallows for the teeth. This is my favorite interactive craft of the year!! (Click on the photo to access the download.) The kids are fascinated with the Tooth Fairy, of course, so crafting a tooth fairy is a must during center time! Dental Health Wrap UpIt's fun to end the week with some fine motor fun for morning work! Kiddos choose a craft from the carpet upon arrival, and get to work! Then during writing, they write about their craft. It's such a great way to wrap up our theme work for the week. AND it's NO prep for me! Just print and go! We leave the crafts displayed for the following week, and I love to hear the kids discuss the theme as they check out each other's work! FREE Valentine's Day Hat FOR SUBSCRIBERSAre you a Krazy for Kindyland subscriber? As soon as you subscribe, you the subscriber password is emailed to you! You instantly gain access to our FREE Valentine's Day Hat and Pattern Activity! ![]() On Sale On Sale SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: Valentine's Day Activity with Hat Craft and Pattern, Shape Math Activity
As you implement Valentine’s Day lessons and teach students about love and kindness, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with this heart hat craft activity! This printable pack is perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, or fast finisher work! It makes an adorable photo prop, too! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our crafts, which feature thick lines. Note that three options are included in the paid version of this product to best meet the needs of your little learners! Students glue the heart in between the two headbands. Teacher staples the ends of the headbands to length for each student. Accordion fold the arms on the heart for a fun extra detail! Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2, 3: Product Details Page 4: two headbands (2 sets) (options 1 & 2) Page 5: heart, two arms, tag, two eyes (option 2) ONLY INCLUDED WITH PAID DOWNLOAD: Page 6: two headbands, two eyes, tag (option 3) Page 7: heart, two hands (2 sets) (option 3) Page 8: two cheeks (16 sets) (option 3) Page 9: two arms (6 sets) (IMPORTANT NOTE - Once you get to the checkout screen, it will ask for your billing address. The system requires this and we can't change that. But once you click 'continue to payment' it will show you that it is FREE and you will be able to finish the transaction without putting in any credit card or Paypal information. A link will then be sent to your inbox where you can download the file.) All the February Fun in One Spot!Head to our full February category to grab lessons for the whole month! Looking Ahead?Here are more ideas for adding MAGIC to your classroom for upcoming monthly themes! SHOP Now!OR hop over to our SHOP to grab craft pack for social studies, science, math, and writing!
August 2023
Let's Stay Connected!If you're loving ideas shared here, I invite to get activity ideas, crafts and FREEBIES for EVERY theme of the year delivered straight to your inbox! I'd love to help your students stay engaged ALL year long, while also motivating you to be your very best teacher self! Join my email list so that together, we can make learning magical!