Are you a brand new kindergarten teacher searching for where to start? Or a seasoned kindergarten teacher looking for some fresh ideas? You're in the right place! Start scrolling for ways to bring some MAGIC to your space! So here we are. The land of imagination. My home away from home. Where I share experiences with the little people in my classroom family from year to year. In our room, we float on the clouds with rainbows, unicorns, and sunshine. It's where magic happens. Kindergarten ScheduleTake a peek at our classroom schedule! To the left, you see the center schedule. Way to the left, the colored stars represent the colors that are on classroom table caddies. Tables are considered the students' "homes" in our room. The colored stars on the right represent the colors that are also on classroom center materials. Note the three pictures at the top, the rainbow, pencil, and cupcake. Those pictures represent groups of center activities. In our classroom, the pencil represents literacy centers, the cupcake is for open-ended manipulative centers, and the rainbow is for letter "toys." We slowly introduce each group of centers throughout the year. By April, we pop all three options up to allow for the choice of anything that has the matching colored star for the day. The kids find this to be the GREATEST thing! CLASSROOM MAILBOXESCheck out these classroom mailboxes made out of pallet wood! We are so grateful to the man in our community who makes crates of all types for our teachers each year! These are just perfect for sorting mail. I put number stickers on the two sections of wood below each tray. Then I used Modge Podge on top of them, and they stick well! This makes passing out newsletters and other classroom mail quick and easy! The kids place completed work in them throughout the day; at the end of the day, they pack it all way in their take-home folders. Letter Line for KindergartenYou cannot possibly have a kindergarten classroom without a letter line. I love these posters because they're cute and colorful, but more importantly, because they help us connect to letters and sounds. Each day, we review the line like this: "Alligator, apple, (short) A and (long) A. Bear and bottle, B says b..." The kids use them constantly when stretching out words. The posters can be found here! What I love about this set is that there are handwriting sheets and poems to go along with each poster. The kids are so excited to read the new poems to learn about their new Krazy for Kindyland friends from week to week! During literacy centers, they create crafts, hats, or draw pictures of things that start with our special letters! Number CornerLike the letter line, a number poster set is also a necessity in kindergarten. We refer to this area of our room as the "Number Corner," where we also have posters that include various representations of numbers. ![]() Number, Subitizing Posters for Kindergarten Math
As you teach students about numbers, make connections with these Subitizing Posters! As you introduce each number, students explore the first poster set during math center time. They might practice making the numbers in different ways on dry-erase boards. During your math lessons, discuss each element on the second set of number posters together as a class. For review, hang these posters in the classroom for students to discuss and compare throughout the year! For your handwriting and number identification focus, teach students the poems in set three! I like to use these as teacher cards for the goal board as we introduce how to write each number. Contents: Page 1-3: Product Details Pages 4-13: poster set 0-9 (first set) Pages 14-23: poster set 0-9 (second set) Pages 24-33: poem poster set 0-9 (third set) Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() Color Word Poems, Color Word Posters for Preschool and Kindergarten
As you explore colors and teach color words, use these posters to teach students color word poems! For each color study, teach a new poem. Note that the spelling of each color word is used in poems to help students to spell and recognize color words! Contents: Pages 1-4: Product Details Pages 5-37: Poems & Posters for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, gray, pink, white Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products include exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Our Full site is available at What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() Real Life Objects 2D Shape Poems, Posters for Preschool and Kindergarten
As you explore shapes use these poems and posters to teach students about the connections to real life objects! These are perfect for your shape math lessons, goal posters, and/or anchor charts. Contents: Pages 1, 2: Product Details Pages 3-32: Three Posters: circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, diamond, trapezoid, hexagon, star, heart Days of School Bulletin BoardOur Days of School bulletin board is another tool we can'd do without! I love these math posters and number pocket chart, all from Amazon! We use the pieces on this board daily. Read more about our Number of the Day Routine by clicking the button below! PROJECT KINDOur school guidance counselor teaches the Project KIND program created by the Ohio State University. This little classroom map is a component of the program, and is a "key" piece in our classroom setup. Book Storage for a Kindergarten Classroom LibraryI love books. Like, a WHOLE lot! So, our classroom library setup has to be super simple. I picked up these tubs from Dollar General and popped colored stars on them. The tubs are arranged in order by themes from back to school to the end of the year. For example, the first tub includes books like Chrysanthemum and If You Take a Mouse to School. The orange tub has books about Fall, pumpkins, and get the idea. The books in each tub have little colored dots up in the right corners of the front covers that matches the stars on the tubs. As we go through the year, a new tub comes off the shelf that goes with our current themes. I just set the tub on a table nearby. When students finish classroom tasks, they choose books from the current thematic book tub to "read" at their tables. It's constantly changing, and there are plenty of choices, so this is a very efficient way to keep it "new" for the kiddos. Center StorageRemember the center choices on the pocket chart I referred to earlier? The blue and black bins on the shelf hold the literacy center materials. There are a few different options for word building in each tub, such as CVC word cards and bricks, a Leapfrog CVC Game, a light bright for making letters, and so on. The small crates on the bottom shelf are the blue, green. and purple choices for the open-ended manipulative centers. Ideas for these tubs are links, shapes, Magnatiles, and shapes, to name a few. What I love about our centers is that the kids enjoy them so much that we complete center activities during inside recess, too, a key to survival on rainy days and the super cold Winter months! Two more choices that included in our open-ended center choices include these two sections of maniulatives. One shelf includes shape blocks, hundred blocks, ten sticks, and one cubes, legos, and other puzzle construction pieces. The other shelf includes pool noodles and toothpicks, blocks, peg boards, pipes, cars, and a car rug. You may have noticed the house in our first picture. It is the highlight of our classroom, and I think imaginative play is so important for today's kids. The house option is included in our open-ended center choices. Storing Manipulatives for Math LessonsAre you seeing a trend? We have LOTS of maipulatives in kindergarten. Kids thrive on hands-on choices, so I like to keep them engaged by offering LOTS of options. In a kindergarten classroom, having materials organized is key to keeping things moving. I use pencil pouches to store math manipulatives. When I need them for a lesson, I grab a pouch and go! We add mini erasers to A LOT of our math games! What I love is that I have collected so many erasers for new themes, so they're always something "new" to the kids, even if we play the same games! The mini erasers are collections from Target, Five Below, and Oriental Trading; the little crayon boxes are from Walmart. These pencil boxes are referred to as "Math Boxes" in our classroom. These boxes hold tubs of items that include multiples of certain shapes and colors. They are ideal for sorting, patterning, and adding, which we do A LOT of in kindergarten, of course! Fine Motor BoxesThis little rainbow storage unit is just SO cute! I had to have it when a friend found it at Target! These tubs hold items for practicing fine-motor skills, such as these little 3D shapes for stacking, 3-hole punchers, pushpins for poking through papers on carpet, etc. More IDeas for Math CentersRead more about math centers organization and games here! Classroom Favorites for Center TimeA magnetic board is a super engaging and SIMPLE tool for kids to use over and over again during center time! They love building words here! Imagining with dinosaur, animal, and people magnets is a popular open-ended center time choice, too! I don't think I could go without these thematic tubs from Lakeshore! They come boxed up and contain multiple materials for center time. They're easy to just rotate in and out of the center choice! I feel the same way about these letter tubs from Lakeshore. As you can see, they are jam-packed with "stuff" for each letter. More Literacy Center IdeasRead more about kindergarten literacy centers here! That's a Wrap!BUT! Of course, you also need resources to get you started! We offer SO. MANY. CHOICES in our shop! Here are the downloads that include the ULTIMATE base of getting started in kindergarten! Help Parents, and Help Yourself!Grab this file to find quick and easy ways to help you practice the top 5 academic goals for kindergarten readiness! For each goal, simple activities are listed for you to give a try! Find what works best for your little ones. These activities will be great for the classroom, and it's an easy file to share with parents, too! More DownloadsTake a peek at our entire collection of BACK TO SCHOOL resources, and try out a few of our FREE resources to get you started! OR check out our resources sold in individual packs here!
katlin petchers
6/15/2022 08:38:59 pm
6/22/2022 08:26:44 pm
Hi, Kaitlin!
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August 2023
Let's Stay Connected!If you're loving ideas shared here, I invite to get activity ideas, crafts and FREEBIES for EVERY theme of the year delivered straight to your inbox! I'd love to help your students stay engaged ALL year long, while also motivating you to be your very best teacher self! Join my email list so that together, we can make learning magical!