Looking for lesson ideas for the month of January? I can help you add some MAGIC to your plans with plans for exploring Winter, New Years, Snowmen, and Arctic animals! Come on in! WinterWhen we get back from Winter break, we kick off our learning with a Winter study. In our kindergarten science lessons, we explore the elements of Winter, the months of Winter, the holidays that we celebrate throughout Winter, and Winter activities. It seems that with every year, there are students who think it's Christmas every time it snows. Making a clear anchor chart of the concepts helps students to put the elements into categories. Below is a digital copy of an updated Winter anchor chart, along with the perfect writing activity go with it! Speaking of writing, here's what our writing center looks like to kick off January! The kids refer to the vocabulary cards while writing in their journals. They also get to choose their own Winter crafts to create and add to our bulletin board! ![]() January Vocabulary Cards: New Year, Winter / Snowmen, and Arctic Animals
As you explore writing, speaking and listening, and phonics with your kindergarten class, students use these vocabulary cards to go along with January themes! Themes include the following: New Year, Winter / Snowmen, and Arctic Animals. Writing: Place the cards in a pocket chart for students to use during writing lessons or literacy centers! Students grab a card, and write a sentence using the word. Note that cards are black and white, so kiddos love to place the cards underneath their journal papers to trace pictures, too! Speaking and Listening: Place the cards in a bag. Students take turns pulling cards. When a card is pulled, the student uses the vocabulary word in a sentence. The class repeats. Phonics: Use these cards to practice phonics skills, including beginning and ending sounds, rhyming, and syllables. Having new, thematic cards for each week, is the perfect way to provide variation! Additional Notes: Print the vocabulary cards on cardstock for durability. SAVE INK with these cards, as they are printable in black and white only. Note that I have vocabulary cards for the entire year! I have also created a thematic craft journal for the entire year to go along with all of the vocabulary cards PERFECTLY! Find it HERE! Contents: Page 1-3: Product Details Pages 4, 5: New Year Pages 6-8: Winter Pages 9-12: Arctic Animals Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Please see our most recent TERMS OF USE here. Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() On Sale On Sale Back to School Craft & Coloring Pack: Monthly Journals for the Whole Year
As you explore writing with your kindergarten class, students color, cut, and glue craft pieces into their journals to go along with themes! Three writing choices provide you with differentiation options for students. Monthly Journal Themes: January: New Year, Winter, Snowmen, Arctic Animals February: Hibernation, Valentine’s Day, Dental Health March: Saint Patrick’s Day, Spring, Spring Animals April: Easter, Fruits, Vegetables, Earth Day May: Fairy Tale Characters, Beach, Ocean Animals, Zoo Animals Summer: Camping, Picnic, Barbecue, Junk Foods August & September: School Supplies, Staying Healthy, Apples, Farm, Fall October: Fire Safety, Halloween November: Thanksgiving, US Symbols (Election), Veterans December: Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah BONUS Themes: Pirates, Dinosaurs, Sports, Pets, Outer Space & Robots, Transportation, Safari, Dogs, Weather, Five Senses, Detective / Mystery Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2, 3 : Product Details Pages 4-6: lined paper options Contents for Each Month: monthly cover Additional Pages for Each Theme: thematic journal cover, craft pieces Directions: Print the cover and writing sheet of your choice. (A monthly cover is included as well, in case you prefer to do a compilation of monthly themes instead of thematic journals for each topic.) Copy the number of writing sheets you’ll need for the theme. Then copy the cover and writing sheets, double stapled, for each student. Print the craft pieces, and students store them in a gallon-size Ziplock bag at school. Throughout your theme, write about the thematic craft pieces. You might guide your students with what to write about each day during your writing lesson, or they might write on their own during center time. Students cut around the outside edges of the craft pieces and glue them into their journals. Then they add their own drawings to complete their pictures! Send journals home to share with families at the end of each theme! The kids love to share their hard work as they tell parents about what they’ve learned, and families love to watch writing skills grow throughout the school year! These journals are perfect for starting conversations about learning material at home! Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products include exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() Winter NO PREP Craft Pack: Morning Work, Centers, Inside Recess, Fast Finisher
As you implement Winter lessons and teach students about cold weather, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with craft activities! This printable pack includes crafts for all items pictured on the cover and is perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our crafts, which feature thick lines. An example of each craft is provided in the corner of each sheet to simplify directions. Pieces for each craft are included on one page for efficiency in printing and paper saving! Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2, 3: Product Details Page 4: cocoa Page 5: mittens Page 6: boots Page 7: hat Page 8: clouds Page 9: tree Page 10: snowflake Page 11: ice skates Page 12: sled Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] New Year's Activities for KindergartenWe start our calendar time with a New Years countdown and party hats! Teacher tip: head to the store after the New Year to grab hats and party supplies half off! Once I explain the new year and months starting over again, we also review the months of the year. To help make the concept a little more concrete, we look back at all of the pictures from our school year together. We connect to pictures to months. The kids then share their favorite memory from the year prior, and they draw their "BEARY" good memories on our polar bear craft! Our bear craft is available for download below, along with a few more New Year's activities to add to your literacy centers! Winter Center Activity: Snowglobe I SpyI picked up these snow globes at Dollar Tree, popped in some mini erasers from Target, along with some beads from the craft cupboard, and WAHLAH! I Spy games! The kids enjoy playing with these together during January morning work choice time. We've been working on describing details with our speaking and writing, and this activity is the perfect way for them to practice descriptions of what they see with a partner! Winter Art IdeasFor our Winter art activity, I write students' names on strips of construction paper. They trace the letters with liquid glue for some fine motor fun! Then they make it snow with salt. They shake off the salt to reveal their names! Once the glue dries, students paint the salt with water colors. The paint spreads quickly when it touches the salt, so the kids are always fascinated with the process. Another fun Winter art activity includes some process art with food coloring and shaving cream. We spread shaving cream out in a flat container. Then I squirt one little blob of food coloring for each student. They come up to swirl one blob with a paint brush. Once everyone has a turn, they gently place paper on top. When they pull it off, a unique design is revealed! Another fun activity with shaving cream includes mixing it with glue to make puffy paint! After reading Sneezy the Snowman (repeatedly, I might add...what a great book..."Make me brand new!"), the kids were thrilled to make their own melted snowmen! The sensory experience was delightful for the kiddos, and it's especially satisfying to touch the "paint" once it dries. winter weather Science ActivityAs we explore Winter weather, we create snow! Students rip a tissue into small pieces to create a pile of snow. Then they place the piles in plastic bags. We discuss fluffy snow and packed snow. When snow is fluffy and the wind blows, the snow blows, too. They use straws to create a Winter snowstorm. As it flies out of their bags, they giggle and make a connection to Olaf's snow flurry. They have their own personal flurries, too! A helpful hint for this activity: Hold the straw outside of the bag and not in the bag. Winter math ideas for Teaching Addition, Number Order, and Shapes"Ten on the Sled" by Kim Norman is a great story to connect to Winter activities. We also connect the story to our kindergarten math activity with addition. Students color the people in their families. Then they add the boys and the girls in their families as they place them on the sled. As we review shapes throughout our kindergarten math activities, we create snowflakes! Winter Activity with Snowflake Shape Craft Math Activity: Counting, Graphing
This Winter season, incorporate this printable snowflake shape craft during your preschool, kindergarten, or first grade math lesson or math center. Practice shape identification, graphing, counting, and writing numbers with included activities. Creating this craft also allows for the opportunity to work on fine motor and visual-spatial skills. You might choose to have students glue snowflake pieces to a blue or black sheet of construction paper. Three craft options are included to best meet the needs of your little learners. Students count shapes on the craft, and complete chosen activity sheet(s). Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2, 3: Product Details Page 4: snowflake (option 1) Page 5: face, snowflake X (option 2) Page 6: snowflake X (option 2) Page 7: face, 4 pieces of snowflake (6) (option 3) Page 8: graphing sheet Page 9: graphing sheet (“diamonds” option) Page 10: counting sheet (“rhombi” option) Book companions to go along with this craft include, but certainly are not limited to the following: Let It Snow! The Snowy Day I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] On Sale On Sale Winter Crafts, Math, Literacy Activities: Parent Gift, Santa, Snowflake, Names
As you implement Christmas and Winter lessons this December and January, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with printable craft activities! Crafts include a handprint Christmas tree for a parent gift, a needs and wants activity with Santa, shape counting and graphing with a snowflake, and name practice with a Winter tree. These activities are perfect for whole-group lessons or centers in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade! Please see individual product listings for specific details about each product. Contents: Parent Christmas Gift with Handprint Christmas Tree, Poem, and Letters Keepsake Needs and Wants Santa Craft, List: Writing or Drawing Activity Snowflake Shape Craft, Counting, Graphing Activity Winter Tree Name Craft Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] Snowmen ActivitiesWe can't go through January without dedicating a week to snowmen! There are so many great kindergarten snowman books and activity options! snowman mathIf at all possible, we have to build a snowman during snowman week! Here you see a snowman we all worked together to build. Each students had a job to do to build our mini snowman! During our kindergarten math centers, students practice putting numbers in order from one to ten, snowman style! This activity is perfect for number identification, number order, and comparing numbers. For this math activity, kiddos color snowballs and write addition sentences to match! This little shape snowman comes with a shape counting activity, too! The kids love to create him during our kindergarten math centers! This math activity is perfect for learning about the concepts of each shape. Students write the shape word, draw the shape, and count the sides and corners of the shape. They also give their shape snowmen names! (Download available when you click the photo below.) We are working on addition in our kindergarten math lessons, so this snowman math activity is perfect! Students use to crayons to color the buttons, and they write an addition sentence to match! (Download available when you click the photo below.) winter Snowmen storiesSome of our favorite snowmen books for kindergarten include The Smallest Snowman, the Biggest Snowman, Snowmen at Night, There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow, and The Missing Mitten Mystery. I love how we can tie all of the books together as we make connections to each of the story's elements. snowman science and Fine Motor FunAfter reading "The Snowy Day", the kids are curious about that snowball melting in Peter's pocket. We explore the difference in how quickly a snow "shower" melts in comparison to a mini snowman. We also discuss evaporation when we discover that our snow puddle disappears! If we are lucky enough to get a decent amount of snow, we build mini snowmen in the classroom! Each student gets a container to scoop up some snow, and we go outside. We head back inside to form the spheres and add some beads for the face. Then we watch our little snowmen melt. It doesn't take long! This is the perfect science lesson to explore the process of melting. "Sneezy the Snowman" is another Winter favorite! That silly snowman keeps melting, and the kids have to "make him brand new!" For another fine motor activity, students build snowmen with powdered donuts, orange starburst, and mini chocolate chips! It's a deliciously adorable snowman snack! Throughout each week, we practice a poem to go along with the theme. Then we stop by a few classrooms to teach some friends. For snowman week, this little snowman hat is the perfect addition to our performance! Do you own these paint trays from Target? I love using them to distribute materials quickly! The kids refer to the circles at the bottom to count how many pieces to collect! This project's mission was SILLY snowmen! I love to see the kiddos get so excited about creating. Teaching About Sound, Snowmen style!Have you read "The Snowman Band of Snowboggle Bend"? I love to use this story to tie in the sound standard when I teach about snowmen! After reading this book, we explore our SOUND anchor chart. To connect to the story, I introduce a few musical instruments to explore, thanks to our music teacher! Then we explore the instruments, discussing pitch and amplitude. I also have a homemade instrument for everyone in the class. The instruments are super simple. I used jingle bells on pipe cleaners, rubber bands on cookie cutters, beans in paper plates, and rice in plastic eggs. We use these instruments to keep the beat to some of our favorite classroom songs! Arctic Animal Activities and LessonsWeek three in January brings us to our study of Arctic animals. Our story study is with Jan Brett's "The Three Snow Bears." We connect to the setting and character elements by creating our own Arctic scenes with clear lids, packaging popcorn, construction paper, and paper plates. We also enjoy comparing and contrasting Brett’s book with the classic, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” with our drawing craft pack! Our Arctic animal study includes focusing on the polar bear, seal, Arctic fox, and snowy owl. Students choose their group, and they work together to create animal habitats throughout our kindergarten science lesson. Students also write about their animal of choice in our writing lessons. These little darlings had a ball writing about polar bears! Creating an Arctic mural is another engaging option for a science activity! I folded a large sheet of butcher paper into four sections and assigned four students to each part. They worked together to add ice, snow, and an Arctic animal. The group also researched their animal and wrote about it during our writing lesson! I'm going to tell you right now. This is a messy one! Snips of paper everywhere! The end result is so worth it, though! It is SUCH a cool team effort! Here's another example of an Arctic mural! As an added bonus for our shape study and fine motor work, I drew shapes and parts of shapes on folded pieces of paper for the kiddos to cut. I was VERY impressed with the results, and they were excited to open the snowflakes to find out what shapes appeared! ![]() Arctic Animal NO PREP Crafts: Polar Bear, Walrus, Penguin, Wolf, Orca, Beluga
As you implement Arctic lessons and teach students about cold weather and Arctic animals, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with craft activities! This printable pack includes crafts for all items pictured on the cover and is perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our crafts, which feature thick lines. An example of each craft is provided in the corner of each sheet to simplify directions. Pieces for each craft are included on one page for efficiency in printing and paper saving! Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2, 3: Product Details Page 4: Polar Bear Page 5: Penguin Page 6: Puffin Page 7: Moose Page 8: Arctic Fox Page 9: Arctic Hare Page 10: Arctic Wolf Page 11: Narwhal Page 12: Musk Ox Page 13: Seal Page 14: Walrus Page 15: Orca Page 16: Beluga Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Please see our most recent TERMS OF USE here. What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() Arctic Animals Coloring Pages Booklet: Polar Bear, Penguin, Fox, Hare, Wolf
This 14-page coloring book includes a cover and 13 coloring pages. This printable booklet features simple pictures of items for an Arctic animal theme! These are perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our coloring pages, which feature thick lines. Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Page 3: Cover Page Page 4: Polar Bear Page 5: Penguin Page 6: Puffin Page 7: Moose Page 8: Arctic Fox Page 9: Arctic Hare Page 10: Arctic Wolf Page 11: Narwhal Page 12: Musk Ox Page 13: Seal Page 14: Walrus Page 15: Orca Page 16: Beluga This product is for PERSONAL USE only and cannot be copied, redistributed or posted for others. Creating your own coloring books for commercial use or freebies is not permitted under my TOU. This coloring book is available because it was created directly by myself, the original graphic artist. If you like the graphics in this coloring book, please check out my store for other seasonal and year-round resources, including coloring pages, clipart, and educational resources. Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() Arctic Animals Coloring / Dotter Pages Booklet: Polar Bear, Penguin, Fox, Hare
This 14-page coloring book includes a cover and 13 dotter / coloring pages. This printable booklet features simple pictures of animals for an Arctic theme! These are perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our dotter/ coloring pages, which feature thick lines. Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Page 3: Cover Page Page 4: Polar Bear Page 5: Penguin Page 6: Puffin Page 7: Moose Page 8: Arctic Fox Page 9: Arctic Hare Page 10: Arctic Wolf Page 11: Narwhal Page 12: Musk Ox Page 13: Seal Page 14: Walrus Page 15: Orca Page 16: Beluga This product is for PERSONAL USE only and cannot be copied, redistributed or posted for others. Creating your own coloring books for commercial use or freebies is not permitted under my TOU. This coloring book is available because it was created directly by myself, the original graphic artist. If you like the graphics in this coloring book, please check out my store for other seasonal and year-round resources, including coloring pages, clipart, and educational resources. Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] The kids were so happy to be a part of the decorating experience for this week's theme. We worked together and transformed our house into an igloo with an Arctic climate! Our friends next door each created their own Arctic animals! (Click the photo to download the craft pack.) Another option is to create paper plate habitats for your Arctic animal research. This year, I was "gifted" some food containers no longer being used, and we made snow globes with them. Students really enjoyed the tiny features, and I enjoyed seeing their little finger muscles work so hard to get all of their pieces in place. We read a variety of fictional picture books with Arctic animal characters throughout the week, and “Grump Pants” is always a hit! Then we write about what makes our grumpies go away! One of our math goals is to focus on counting and comparing objects to 20. For one of this week's practice activities, students put number cards 11-20 in order and counted Arctic erasers for each number. As we continue to review shapes, counting, comparing, and writing numbers, this little penguin shape craft helped us practice several skilsl! ![]() Penguin Shape Craft, Graph, Counting Activity: Winter, Arctic Animal Math Center
As you learn about Arctic animals, incorporate this printable shape craft during your preschool, kindergarten, or first grade math lesson or math center. Practice shape identification, graphing, counting, and writing numbers with included activities. Creating this craft also allows for the opportunity to work on fine motor and visual-spatial skills. Students count shapes on the craft, and complete chosen activity sheets. Three craft options are included to best meet the needs of your little learners. Create the crafts, and tape the activity sheet(s) of choice to the bottom of the crafts for display! Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2, 3: Product Details Page 4: rocket (option 1) Page 5: head, two feet, two wings, body, beak (option 2) Page 6: head, body, two wings (option 3) Page 7: two eyes, belly (3 sets) (option 3) Page 8: two feet, beak (3 sets) (option 3) Page 10: graphing sheet Page 11: counting sheet Page 12: Students choose a shape. They write the numbers for how many they see and the names of the shapes on the lines. Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] This addition pack is a quick and simple way to tie in our polar bear study with math! ![]() Polar Bear Snowball Addition Craft Math Activity for Kindergarten
As you study polar bears and winter weather, complete this sweet little addition craft. During science, students create polar bears. During math time, students color snowballs either blue or light blue and write an addition sentence (to 5) to match. Cut out large snowball, and add below polar bear. No prep! Copy and go! Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Krazy for Kindyland Note Page 3: Product Details Page 4: head Page 5: body, two paws Page 6: large snowball Book companions for this craft include, but certainly are not limited to, the following: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? The Three Snow Bears Little Polar Bear Good Morning, Little Polar Bear National Geographic Readers: Polar Bears Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products include exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Our Full site is available athttps://krazyforkindyland.com/</a> What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() On Sale On Sale Winter Craft Bundle with Writing, Counting, Adding, and a Penguin Name Craft
Enjoy Winter festivities throughout January and February with this craft pack that includes activities for learning letters and names, counting, adding, and writing! These craft packs are perfect for literacy centers, math centers, or whole-group kindergarten lessons. Please see individual product listings in our store for a few more details about each product. Contents: Page 1: cover Page 2: product details Pages 3-12: Penguin Name Craft Pages 13-21: Yeti Craft and Writing: In Winter Pages 22-27: Bear Popcorn Counting Craft Pages 28-33: Polar Bear Snowball Addition Craft Book companions to go along with this craft pack include, but certainly are not limited to the following titles: Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere! Penguin's Big Adventure If You Were a Penguin The Emperor's Egg Penguin's Can't Fly Tacky the Penguin Penguin Pete Penguin Chick National Geographic Kids: Penguins Where Is Home, Little Pip? Bedtime for Yeti The Thing About Yetis Henry and the Yeti Never Feed a Yeti Spaghetti Don't Wake the Yeti No Yeti Yet Spaghetti with a Yeti Yeti, Turn Out the Light Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? The Three Snow Bears Little Polar Bear Good Morning, Little Polar Bear National Geographic Readers: Polar Bears Bear Counts Bear's New Friend Bear Wants More Bear Stays Up for Christmas Bear's Loose Tooth Bear Can't Sleep Bear Says Thanks Bear Feels Sick Bear Feels Scared Big Bear, Small Mouse Bear Snores On Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Our Full site is available at https://krazyforkindyland.com/</a> What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] FREE Snowman CRAFT FOR SUBSCRIBERSAre you a Krazy for Kindyland subscriber? As soon as you subscribe, you the subscriber password is emailed to you! You instantly gain access to our FREE Snowman Shape Activity! MORE January Crafts for KindergartenWe have A LOT more activities to share with you to make your January themes come alive in your lands of imagination! Explore more crafts for science, writing, and math here! Looking Ahead?Add MAGIC to your classroom with our crafts for math, writing, science, and social studies! Shop Now!OR head right to our SHOP to grab downloads for your favorite themes!
August 2023
Let's Stay Connected!If you're loving ideas shared here, I invite to get activity ideas, crafts and FREEBIES for EVERY theme of the year delivered straight to your inbox! I'd love to help your students stay engaged ALL year long, while also motivating you to be your very best teacher self! Join my email list so that together, we can make learning magical!