Let's get down on the farm with some farm activities for kindergarten! To begin our week, we sing and explore with farm songs, including The Farmer in the Dell and Old MacDonald Had a Farm. As we view the songs on youtube, we make lists of farm animals, and we also discuss the elements that are a part of a farm's setting. Farm Books for KindergartenSome of our favorite titles for exploring farms include Pete the Cat Old MacDonald Had a Farm, Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type, Otis, and cock-a-doodle-hoo! Pictured below are our barn crafts, and we write and draw about farm animals inside. Mrs. Wishy-Washy and Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm are among our favorite farm picture books, too! We use little cutouts to retell Mrs. Wishy-Washy, and the kids have a ball when they realize it is a circle story that just keeps going on and on!! more farm read alouds for KindergartenI spy more of our favorite farm titles in the pile of farm books for kindergarten above, including There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Cow! Sing along with the book for the first read aloud. Then read it again, and have the kids act it out with you! Afterwards, have some fun exploring shapes with our kindergarten math activity! To begin, create the cow craft, and project it on the board. As a class, trace and count the shapes you find. Record on the counting worksheet. Thens students create their own farm arts and crafts! This activity gets them talking about the shapes they identify! Create one of the farm animal crafts as a class, or have groups of students create a variety of farm animals for an extension activity! ![]() Cow Farm Animal Shape Craft and Counting Math Activity for Kindergarten
As you complete your farm study, incorporate shape crafts into your theme during math class! This is great for a whole group lesson or a math center activity! Students create crafts. Then they collect and record shape data on the included worksheet. Glue worksheet to a standard sheet of construction paper to create a frame. Glue completed craft to frame for a fun farm display! Page 1: cover Page 2: Krazy for Kindyland note Page 3: product details Page 4: shape sheet Page 5: body, two legs, head Color insides of ears pink. Page 6: snout (3) Book companions to go along with this craft include, but certainly are not limited to the following titles: Down on the Farm Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm Pete the Cat: Old Mac Donald Had a Farm Big Red Barn The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash **Before purchasing individual products from us, be sure to check out our Discounted Bundles! Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Our Full site is available at https://krazyforkindyland.com/</a> What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() On Sale On Sale Farm Animal Shape Craft, Counting Math Activities: Cow, Horse, Duck, Goat, Goose, Donkey
As you complete your farm study, count and create shape crafts during math class! This is great for a whole group lesson or a math center activity! Craft pieces and counting sheets are provided for the following animals: cow, horse, duck, goat, donkey, and goose. You might choose to have small groups create a craft to compare collected data to other groups’ crafts. Directions: Students create crafts. Then they collect and record shape data on the included worksheet. Glue worksheet to a standard sheet of construction paper to create a frame. Glue completed craft to frame for a fun farm display! Book companions to go along with this craft include, but certainly are not limited to the following titles: Down on the Farm Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm Pete the Cat: Old Mac Donald Had a Farm Big Red Barn The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Our Full site is available at https://krazyforkindyland.com/</a> What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() On Sale On Sale Farm Animals Shape Craft, Counting Math Activities: Sheep, Pig, Rabbit, Chicken, Cat, Dog
As you complete your farm study, incorporate shape crafts into your theme during math class! This is great for a whole group lesson or a math center activity and includes crafts and counting sheets for the following animals: pig, sheep, rabbit, chicken, cat, and dog! For a lesson idea, you might choose to have small groups create a craft to compare collected data to other groups’ crafts. Students create crafts. Then they collect and record shape data on the included worksheet. Glue worksheet to a standard sheet of construction paper to create a frame. Glue completed craft to frame for a fun farm display! Crafts for the following animals are included: pig sheep rabbit chicken cat dog Book companions to go along with this craft include, but certainly are not limited to the following titles: Down on the Farm Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm Pete the Cat: Old Mac Donald Had a Farm Big Red Barn The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash Who Made a Hole in the Chicken Coop? Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Our Full site is available at https://krazyforkindyland.com/</a> What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] Tractor Shape CraftAfter reading Otis, tractor crafts were a must! Again, I tied in some shape work, and the class was completely engaged with this shape tractor craft and graphing activity! The LIttle Red Hen Snack ActivityI love teaching with The Little Red Hen! It's perfect for retelling, and the kids are super stoked when they get to eat bread, just like the hen! I love to have them practice spreading the butter! The LIttle Red Hen Retell Craft Activities![]() The Little Red Hen Craft and Drawing, Writing Prompts Fairy Tale Activity
As you explore your favorite fairy tales, draw the sequence of the story, draw the characters and setting, or draw your favorite part. Write sentences on the included writing paper. You might choose to complete a few activities to staple together, as six options are included. Then practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills as you create the craft topper to pop on top, along with some feet to stick out at the bottom of the writing sheet(s). Both a craft option and a low-prep option are included to best meet the needs of your little learners. Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Page 3: hen topper, two feet (option 1) Page 4: two wings, head (2 sets) (option 2) Page 5: two feet, comb, two eyes, beak (option 2) (2 sets) Page 6: open-ended drawing sheet Page 7: retell sheet Page 8: favorite part sheet Page 9: sentence starter Page 10: drawing and writing sheet Page 11: lined sheet Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Please see our most recent TERMS OF USE here. What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() Little Red Hen Fairy Tale Craft Activity: Paper Bag Puppets for Retelling
After you read The Little Red Hen, practice comprehension skills and connect to text with these puppets! Discuss the story elements including characters, setting, and plot. Act out the fairy tale for classmates or for another class in your school! Contents: Glue head pieces to the bottom a brown paper bag and other pieces to side of bag to create puppets! Please see individual product listings in our store for specific details about each product. Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Pages 3-8: Duck Pages 9-15: Hen Pages 16-21: Dog Pages 22-26: Cat Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products include exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Our Full site is available at https://krazyforkindyland.com/</a> What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] **Before purchasing individual products from us, be sure to check out our Discounted Bundles! ![]() On Sale On Sale Fairy Tale Puppet Craft Activities: Red Hen, Goats Gruff, Goldilocks, Three Pigs, Red Riding Hood
After you read The Little Red Hen, Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf, practice comprehension skills and connect to text with these puppets! Discuss the story elements including characters, setting, and plot. Act out the fairy tales for classmates or for another class in your school! Directions: Glue head pieces to the bottom a brown paper bag and other pieces to side of bag to create puppets! Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Pages 3-28: Little Red Hen Pages 29-55: Goldilocks Three Bears Pages 56-75: Three Little Pigs Pages 76-98: Three Billy Goats Pages 99-115: Little Red Riding Hood Please see individual product listings in our store for specific details about each product. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products include exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Our Full site is available athttps://krazyforkindyland.com/</a> What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() On Sale On Sale Fairy Tale Crafts, Writing Prompt Activities: Pigs, Goats, Goldilocks, Hen
As you explore your favorite fairy tales, draw the sequence of the story, draw the characters and setting, or draw your favorite part. Write sentences on the included writing paper. You might choose to complete a few activities to staple together, as six options are included for each pack. Then practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills as you create the craft toppers to pop on tops, along with some feet to stick out at the bottom of the writing sheets. Craft options and low-prep options are included to best meet the needs of your little learners. Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Pages 3-14: The Little Red Hen Pages 15-26: Goldilocks and the Three Bears Pages 27-37: The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf Pages 38-48: Three Billy Goats Gruff Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] Farm Anchor Chart for KindergartenWe discussed animals' roles on a farm, too. Some of the looks on the kids' faces were of complete shock when they realized where those hamburgers and nuggets come from! Love this anchor chart? I've digitalized it just for you! grab it here!hands on Activities with farm animalsI'm fortunate enough to work with an amazing team of kindergarten teachers who go above and beyond to make our students' learning experiences count! One of my teammates has a farm with over 150 chickens. She brought a couple of her chicken friends to school so our littles could have a hands-on experience with a real-life farm animal! Before I told the class, though, we took some guesses about who our special guest from the farm could be! Five-year-olds have THE best ideas!! I get excited about tossing in extra lessons on the fly! Nothing cute, nothing fancy, but so much learning! In this quick activity, students were exposed to opinions, voting, counting, numerals, tallies, and the concepts of more and less! Wahoo! The kids were THRILLED to find out that a REAL chicken was coming to kindergarten! Coffee Filter Chicken CraftWe couldn't possibly have a chicken come to school and not make a craft to go with it, right?! We grabbed some wiggle eyes and coffee filters to create some sweet little chicken pets! Chicken Life Cycle CraftWe made these cute chicken life cycle crafts together, too! These little guys are included in my year-long life cycle pack! The kids enjoy the similar formats among packs, and I love that they are NO PREP! Another Cow Math ActivityI'm constantly challenging myself to create correlating craft activities to go along with our math lessons! Check out how the kiddos decomposed with these cow crafts! ![]() On Sale On Sale Farm Craft Activities for Math and Literacy (Cow, Horse, Pig, Barn)
As you implement farming lessons, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with printable craft activities! Practice numbers and number order, shape identification, graphing, counting, addition, and names! These activities are perfect for whole-group lessons or centers in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade! Please see individual product listings for specific details about each product. Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Pages 3-14: Cow and Grass Ten Frame Addition Pages 15-26: Pig and Muddy Puddles Number Order Pages 27-36: Horse Name Craft Pages 36-46: Barn Craft and Shape Counting, Graphing Activity Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] ![]() Cow Craft: Ten Frame Addition Activity for Farm Math Center in Fall or Spring
This farming season, practice addition as you color blades of grass dark green and light green to complete a number sentence (to 10) during math centers or a whole-group lesson in preschool, kindergarten, or first grade math lesson. Differentiated options are provided for the frames, including ten frames with multiple choices for number sentences. A blank number sentence is included as well. Color blades of grass, and create a ten frame to match! Cut, color, and glue pieces of our printable craft for a fun fine motor and visual-spatial activity to create a fun farming bulletin board display! Two cutting options are included to best meet the needs of your little learners! Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2,3 : Product Details Page 4: cow (option 1) Page 5: snout, head, two eyes, tail, end of tail, body Page 6: blades of grass sheet (2) Pages 7-12: ten frame options Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] Corn Life Cycle ActivitiesThe kids were excited to study another life cycle. Corn style! ![]() Corn Life Cycle Arts and Crafts for Kindergarten Science Lesson Activity
As you study life cycles throughout your kindergarten science lessons this fall, study the life cycle of corn with this cute craft! This craft might be created as a part of a whole group lesson or completed at a science center! Students color life cycle pieces. Cut and glue onto circle piece, in order. Create craft. Attach life cycle circle for display! Our kindergarten arts and crafts are downloads you can print at home or school. Each craft includes a cover and a contents page, so you know exactly how to put pieces together. The only supplies you need are paper, scissors, glue, and crayons! Enjoy creating with the kids! Page 1: Cover Page 2: Krazy for Kindyland Note Page 3: Product Details Page 4: Example Page 5: Corn Page 6: Husk, Stem Page 7: Eyes, Life Cycle Pieces Color life cycle. Page 8: Circle Book companions to go along with this craft include, but certainly are not limited to the following titles: Corn is Maize The Cows Are in the Corn The Little Red Hen Down on the Farm Pete the Cat: Old Mac Donald Had a Farm Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm Big Red Barn The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash Tops and Bottoms Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). Our Full site is available at https://krazyforkindyland.com/</a> What our customers are saying about our products: -provide engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated, based on student needs and allow room for teacher choice -include consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] FIne Motor Farm ActivityWe learned about different kinds of corn, and popcorn was the most intriguing for the kids! We practiced names with some fine motor fun as students put popcorn kernels on corn! Rock Your School Day!We had an extra special farm week planned for the kids when our entire school pulled off another Rock Your School Day! Our room was transformed into a barn yard! Farm Morning WorkThe kids were greeted with their choice of farm animal! They colored and cut these out, and they became farm animals for the day when I attached the animals to strips of paper to create hats! I got to be their lucky farmer! They love pretending just as much as I do! ![]() Farm Animals NO PREP Craft Pack (Cow, Horse, Chicken, Pig, Donkey, Dog, Cat)
As you implement farming lessons, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with craft activities! This printable pack includes crafts for all items pictured on the cover and is perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our crafts, which feature thick lines. An example of each craft is provided in the corner of each sheet to simplify directions. Pieces for each craft are included on one page for efficiency in printing and paper saving! Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2, 3: Product Details Page 4: rabbit Page 5: pig Page 6: mouse Page 7: lamb Page 8: horse Page 9: goat Page 10: duck Page 11: donkey Page 12: dog Page 13: chicken Page 14: cow Page 15: cat Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] Farming Coloring PagesThey also had farm coloring sheets on their tables to do for fast finisher work throughout the day! ![]() Farm Coloring Pages Booklet: Barn, Tractor, Combine, Hay, Wagon, Lawn Mower
This 9-page coloring book includes a cover and 8 coloring pages. This printable booklet features simple pictures of items for themes including farm equipment and harvesting to name a few! These are perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our coloring pages, which feature thick lines. Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Page 3: Cover Page Page 4: Hay Wagon Page 5: Combine Page 6: Lawn Mower Page 7: Tractor and Wagon Page 8: Barn and Silo Page 9: Tractor (with face) Page 10: Combine (with face) Page 11: Barn (with face) This product is for PERSONAL USE only and cannot be copied, redistributed or posted for others. Creating your own coloring books for commercial use or freebies is not permitted under my TOU. This coloring book is available because it was created directly by myself, the original graphic artist. If you like the graphics in this coloring book, please check out my store for other seasonal and year-round resources, including coloring pages, clipart, and educational resources. Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] More views from Around the School!We have lots of resourceful teachers in our building! Check out the fun they rounded up for our special day! Check out more of our favorite farming craft activities! Farm time Favorites Craft ActivitiesFarm NO PREP Crafts: Morning Work, Center, Fast Finisher, Recess (Tractor, Barn)
As you implement farm lessons and teach students about farm equipment and harvesting, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with craft activities! This printable pack includes crafts for all items pictured on the cover and is perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our crafts, which feature thick lines. An example of each craft is provided in the corner of each sheet to simplify directions. Pieces for each craft are included on one page for efficiency in printing and paper saving! Contents: Page 1: Cover Pages 2, 3: Product Details Page 4: wagon Page 5: barn with face Page 6: barn Page 7: lawn mower Page 8: combine Page 9: tractor Page 10: tractor with face Page 11: combine with face Book companions to go along with this craft include, but certainly are not limited to the following titles: Down on the Farm Pete the Cat: Old Mac Donald Had a Farm Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm Big Red Barn The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] On Sale On Sale August, September NO PREP Crafts: Back to School with Germs & Disease Prevention, Fall, Farming, Animals
As you implement back to school with germs and disease prevention, Fall, and farming lessons, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with craft activities! This printable pack includes crafts for all items pictured on the cover and is perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our crafts, which feature thick lines. An example of each craft is provided in the corner of each sheet to simplify directions. Pieces for each craft are included on one page for efficiency in printing and paper saving! Please see individual product listings for specific details about each product. Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] Farm Clipart {Farming Accents: Harvest, Equipment, Tractor, Combine, Wagon, Hay}
This farming clipart set will get you ready to create activities for harvesting season! Use this set to create resources for your classroom or to sell or BOTH! Make your printables colorful or use the black and white images to create worksheets, digital resources, and/or classroom decorations! These images might be used in preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, or fifth grade resources. Included Images: -35 total images (21 crisp, colored images and 14 black & white versions) Combines (green and red) Combines with Face (green and red) Tractors (green and red) Tractors with Faces (green and red) Lawn Mowers (green and red) Wagons (green and red) Banner Wagons (green and red) Barn Barn with Face Fence Silo Hay Bale Hay Stack Tied Hay -All images are high resolution (300 dpi) so they can be made bigger or smaller and still look crisp. Images are saved as PNG files so they can be easily layered. You will receive these images in a zip file. Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] On Sale On Sale Farm Crafts: Tractor, Wagon, Barn (Number Order, Names, Shapes, Addition)
As you implement farm lessons this Fall, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with printable craft activities! Practice numbers and number order, shape identification, graphing, counting, addition, and names! These activities are perfect for whole-group lessons or centers in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade! Please see individual product listings for specific details about each product. Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Pages 3-18: Tractor Number Order Craft Activity (1-10, 1-20, blank) Pages 19-29: Barn Name Craft Pages 30-38: Tractor Shape Craft Activity (counting, graphing) Pages 39-45: Hay Wagon Addition, Pattern Craft Activity Book companions to go along with this craft include, but certainly are not limited to the following titles: Down on the Farm Pete the Cat: Old Mac Donald Had a Farm Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm Big Red Barn The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] On Sale On Sale Fall and Farm Clipart {Accents: Tractor, Combine, Scarecrow, Leaf, Cow, Raccoon}
This Fall and farm clipart bundle will get you ready to create activities for your Autumn season and farming themes! Use this set to create resources for your classroom or to sell or BOTH! Make your printables colorful or use the black and white images to create worksheets, digital resources, and/or classroom decorations! These images might be used in preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, or fifth grade resources. Included Images: All images shown on the cover (and preview) are included in this download. Both crisp, colored images and black & white versions are included -All images are high resolution (300 dpi) so they can be made bigger or smaller and still look crisp. Images are saved as PNG files so they can be easily layered. You will receive these images in zip files. Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] On Sale On Sale Farm Craft Activities for Math and Literacy (Cow, Horse, Pig, Barn)
As you implement farming lessons, students practice fine motor and visual-spatial skills with printable craft activities! Practice numbers and number order, shape identification, graphing, counting, addition, and names! These activities are perfect for whole-group lessons or centers in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade! Please see individual product listings for specific details about each product. Contents: Page 1: Cover Page 2: Product Details Pages 3-14: Cow and Grass Ten Frame Addition Pages 15-26: Pig and Muddy Puddles Number Order Pages 27-36: Horse Name Craft Pages 36-46: Barn Craft and Shape Counting, Graphing Activity Be sure to check out our DISCOUNTED BUNDLES prior to purchasing individual products. Note: The cover of Krazy for Kindyland products includes exact JPEG(s) of included craft(s). What our customers are saying about our products: -provides engaging, hands-on fine-motor practice while learning across the curriculum -easily differentiated kindergarten activities, based on student needs and also allows room for teacher choice -includes consistent layouts; easy for students to understand -low prep and a huge time saver; GREAT for subs Questions? Requests? Email us at [email protected] Everything You need for getting Down On the Farm!Explore all of our craft and activity pacs for farming by heading to our FARM category below! Print and Go!OR head straight to our shop to find more thematic resources for math, writing, reading, science, and social studies! Looking for More?Krazy for Kindyland has a lot more ideas for making learning MAGICAL in your classroom! I invite you to peek at more of our blog posts! September Freebies!Are you a Krazy for Kindyland Subscriber? As soon as you subscribe, you the subscriber password is emailed to you! You instantly gain access to our FREE Activities! ![]() On Sale On Sale SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: September NO PREP Apple Craft
With all of the twists and turns of the 20-21 school year, it was super helpful to have NO-PREP activities on-hand. So here we go! We will be creating craft packs for you to just PRINT and GO! AND! For our subscribers ONLY, here's a FREEBIE for you to try! We offer a variety of NO PREP packs for EVERY THEME on our site! August, September, and October packs are ready to go! I’ve gotten started on November packs, too, with Thanksgiving currently in the works! Check them out HERE! Our printable NO PREP packs include crafts for all items pictured on the cover and are perfect for morning work, center time, indoor recess, writing prompts, or fast finisher work! Preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students enjoy both coloring and painting our crafts, which feature thick lines. An example of the craft is provided in the corner of each sheet to simplify directions. Pieces for each craft are included on one page for efficiency in printing and paper saving! (IMPORTANT NOTE - Once you get to the checkout screen, it will ask for your billing address. The system requires this and we can't change that. But once you click 'continue to payment' it will show you that it is FREE and you will be able to finish the transaction without putting in any credit card or paypal information. A link will then be sent to your inbox where you can download the file!) ![]() On Sale On Sale SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: August and September Coloring Pages
EXCLUSIVELY FOR SUBSCRIBERS Print and go during this back to school season! (IMPORTANT NOTE - Once you get to the checkout screen, it will ask for your billing address. The system requires this and we can't change that. But once you click 'continue to payment' it will show you that it is FREE and you will be able to finish the transaction without putting in any credit card or paypal information. A link will then be sent to your inbox where you can download the file!)
August 2023
Let's Stay Connected!If you're loving ideas shared here, I invite to get activity ideas, crafts and FREEBIES for EVERY theme of the year delivered straight to your inbox! I'd love to help your students stay engaged ALL year long, while also motivating you to be your very best teacher self! Join my email list so that together, we can make learning magical!